As we all know the very important part of our health is our eyes.  Every one of us should have a proper eye sight in order to see the beautiful surroundings and most especially we rely on it for us to be able to do our task properly. However there are still people who suffer from different eye problems which lead to vision loss and eye disease.

Too much exposure from ultraviolet rays and using glasses that is not suitable in your eyes is only some of the reason why people suffer from different eye problems.

Once a person discovers that he or she has an eye problem, it is very important to them to consult their optician as soon as possible to avoid serious eye damage. It is also advisable that you must consult an eye care experts regularly.

We should always remember that aside from keeping our body healthy, it is also important to keep our eyes condition always healthy.

There are many things that everyone should do and avoid in order to keep their eyes healthy. Here are some eye care tips that you must know.

  • Always give eyes a rest. If you used your computer for a long time, you need to blink once in a while because your eyes might get tired. To avoid eyestrain you must try the 20-20-20 rule. According to this rule, every 20 minutes a person who is using a computer should look in other things except on the computer for about 20 feet for 20 seconds.
  • Eat healthy foods and must have a balanced diet. While doing your diet you must eat plenty vegetables and fruits and it is important to eat green leafy vegetable. Eating also a fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids will help your eyes healthy such as tuna and salmon.
  • Always wear your sunglasses when exposed directly to the sunlight. Too much sun exposure can harm your eyes and increase the possibility of having a cataract. You can protect your eyes from too much exposure by using sunglasses that blocks harmful ultraviolet ray.
  • Exercise Regularly. Another reason for having an eye problem is the disease called diabetes. In order to avoid diabetes having regular exercise is advisable. By doing exercise you can avoid the possibility of having diabetes and also you can lower the chance of having an eye problem.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited. Too much smoking increases the possibility of having eye diseases like cataract and macular degeneration that can harm your optic nerve.
  • Wear your contact lenses properly. When wearing or removing a contact lens make sure to wash your hands and always keep it clean. It is better to follow the indicated instructions in order to avoid eye infections.
  • Always wear protective eye wear. While working on a factory, construction or even doing repairs on your house always wear your blue light protection glasses. If ever an accident happens there is a chance that some light materials may get in your eyes which lead to eye loss.

Sometimes having an eye diseases don’t have any signs or symptoms so it is better to consult eye care experts to check on your eye conditions.